Wednesday, November 9, 2011

leafy, watery, wet

It's been surprising how well moving back to the NW fits, despite all of the stress and losing our house (and the greatly increased work hours), we still really feel like this is right.  I'm definitely a wet, rainy, slightly decaying gal rather than a bright, sunny, dry gal.  I've always loved sweaters and jeans and sort of loathed shorts.  I had a tough time giving up my NW status and found it strange that we were planning on staying in California for the duration and that we had California boys, but we had it really good so I was resigned to it.  I do miss Sonora and all of our friends there, but as for natural surroundings, this just feels so easy to fall right into. 

When I told a friend of mine we were moving back here she said "that makes sense, California didn't really make sense."  I sort of agree.

I'm am also positive that living in Hood River will not suddenly turn us into kite surfing, extreme mountain biking, para-gliding, white water fall kayaking adventure seekers.  We've commented that we're not quite cool enough to live here.  But, if we do stay here I am pretty certain a three foot tall boy of our will definitely become an extreme sportist.  He's already tried to convince us to buy skateboards for the family, an ultra-light, kite boards, snowboards, etc. and he can't seem to tear himself away from all the extreme sport videos that seem to be playing in half the businesses in town. 

(The "bumps" coming out of the water in the photo are spawning salmon.  I've been amazed at how much salmon activity there is here and even though I grew up only an hour away it wasn't on my radar). 

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